Monday, April 23, 2018


Flower chosen: Water Lily

Meaning: For my last piece, I chose the Egyptian blue water lily. I used multiple references such as Ancient Egyptian scrolls in order to draw my subject. The water lily represents royalty so I adorned my subject with lots of jewelry. I also tried to replicate the stiff yet fluid movement of Egyptian figures with this piece. There is not really a meaning, I just wanted to explore a different culture.

Me, Myself, and I

Flower chosen: Sunflower

Meaning: In this piece, I drew a girl having conversation with herself. The meaning behind this is due to the sunflowers they have in their hair. Sunflowers represent friendship and the message is to be your own best friend before anything else, because you will always be there for yourself.


Flower chosen: Roses

Meaning: This piece was inspired by roses, which of course mean love. I drew a girl having a picnic by herself and enjoying the sun and just enjoying her time there. She has moved on from some unfortunate event in her life, (which is why I placed closed rose buds in the bush at the back) and is moving forward (hence the blooming roses in the front most bush). The message is self-love, because at the end of the day, other people do not decide how you should see yourself.


Flower chosen: Cherry Blossoms

Pretty much as the title states, this piece is about self-growth. The girl has flowers growing at of her hair to show that what you put in is what you get out. If she took poor care of herself, I would’ve drawn the flowers wilted and decayed, if she had potential and refused to do anything with it, I would’ve drawn the flowers as buds just waiting to bloom. Overall her flowers are bright and healthy, and this piece is to encourage people to treat themselves and their bodies/mind good so they too can grow and bloom like a flower


Flower chosen: None in particular

Meaning: This is the first piece I did to start off this capstone, before I knew I wanted to work with flowers, however it still has meaning behind it. No plant in particular is the subject of this piece, however the theme of relaxation was my main inspiration. I believe people should have time to themselves to relax, whether it be reading a book or going on a hike or taking a relaxing bath like my subject. Her arms being plants represent that we as people need to replenish ourselves to grown, just like plants need water to grow.


Flower chosen: Poppies

Meaning: Another piece where I more illustrated the direct meaning of a flower instead of drawing an interpretation of it. One of the many meanings behind poppies is magic so I drew a somewhat whimsical scene in order to show that.

Live While You're Young

Flower chosen: Lilacs

Meaning: Here there are two young girls, holding hands as they view a beautiful field of lilacs. Lilacs are associated with purity and innocence so I chose to use children in this piece because they are often the most innocent (hence why they often tell the truth as it is). I wanted to capture a nice moment since the world is so often full of bad news and almost nothing good is talked about anymore.

Goodbye for Now

Flower chosen: Daisy

Meaning: In this piece I drew a mom and a daughter as the daughter is about the leave for college. Daisies represent closeness and companionship so I gave them both a matching flower tattoo to show that even though the daughter is going away, they'll still have a close bond.

Wedding Bells

Flower chosen: Chrysanthemum

Meaning: The message behind this one is not really a message, more of a direct art piece related to the meaning of the flower. Here is a woman dressed in wedding attire because a Chrysanthemum represents long life, fidelity, and joy, so what better illustration to do than a woman on one of the happiest days of her life.

Inside and Out

Flower chosen: Carnation

Meaning: A carnation symbolizes beauty so I drew a girl in a beauty pageant. The carnation is over her face because all beauty pageants really do is judge based on physical qualities, barely caring about mental capacity or personality. So I used this piece to convey that people are more than what they appear to be on the outside.

Kiss and Make Up

Flower Chosen: Amaranthus

Meaning: The two people walking away from each other can be interpreted as a couple or friends, but they have obviously had a disagreement. The hearts on their arms (derived from the phrase "wearing your heart on your sleeve") are connected because though they are mad at the moment, they eventually make up because an Amaranthus symbolizes "never ending feelings." The overall message is that some bonds are just too strong to break, and those are the type of bonds worth fighting for.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sun and Moon Twins

A painting I did in Painting I, I think the project was to work with medium you haven't before so this was my first time working with oil paints. It was pretty difficult because the consistency of oil paint is weird, but I still enjoyed painting this.

First Ever Portrait

First ever painting/ portrait I did in art class, it was based off a photograph. 


This is a collage of sorts, the assignment was to just draw things that come to mind so a lot of the things that ended up here was my favorite color (purple), my favorite cartoon characters, my favorite singer, etc.


For my Capstone project I decided to go with the theme of flowers and their meaning. After some research, I found that Hydrangeas serve as a relief from anxiety so that's why the upper half of this piece is shiny and bright, while the lower half has falling teardrops, to show the subject having a moment of happiness. The title "Kairos" means "the perfect, delicate, crucial moment" so I saw fit to name this piece using that word

Still Life Drawing

Piece created using drawing pencils and watercolor, and using random objects in my art class as my subjects

Paint Bucket Project

Project for photography where we had to take a picture (this one is of my friend Ron) and use the paintbucket tool in Photoshop to go over the picture and give it a cartoon- like effect.

Choose a Word

Project for photography where we had to choose a positive word (mine was "welcome) and make a poster using that word.

Poster of Recreations

Poster I did in photography where we had to recreate photos using the people in our class

Painting of Myself

Painting I did during my junior year of myself, it started out as just painting practice but then I kept going.

Typography Project

Project for photography where I had to put words that represent me over a picture of me.

Color Pass

Project for photography where we had to choose one color and use it how we pleased withing a picture of something or someone

Save the Bees PSA

This is a poster I made in photography this year in order to bring awareness about bees and how to better protect them.